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Common Eye infections in Nashville, TN

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About Common Eye Infections

Since eye infections are passed on from person to person when the unlucky recipient scratches his or her eyes without sanitizing their hands, the majority of eye infections are spread from others in your life who have the infection. They might be produced by bacteria, a virus, or a fungus and are usually highly communicable. Individuals who develop eye infections often have pain, redness, a "foreign body" sensation, and itchiness in their eyes. At times, eye infections may also result in short-term partial blindness.

Infections of the eye can develop symptoms that range from superficial to very painful. Further, their levels of threat can fall anywhere from relatively safe to very concerning. Many are treatable with nonprescription remedies, and many can heal without intervention. Patients should understand that certain eye infections are much more critical and should be treated by an experienced medical professional.

What Are Some Common Eye Infections?

Take a look through several of the most common types of infections of the eye. The most important aspect of relieving an infection is a timely diagnosis.

  • Blepharitis

    While most commonly occurring in adults, this infection can develop in patients who are much younger. Blepharitis is frequently the result of bacteria; however, it can also stem from dry eye syndrome or fungal infection. Its most common symptom is oozing discharge that builds up a crust on the eyelids. Patients who are experiencing blepharitis sometimes also have watering, itching, and stinging eyes. Those with seborrheic dermatitis, ocular rosacea, or psoriasis have a heightened risk for getting this infection. Fortunately, there are many easy therapies available to treat blepharitis, such as BlephEx.

  • Pink Eye
    Also referred to as conjunctivitis, pink eye is an extremely common eye infection. Conjunctivitis is almost always the result of bacteria or a virus and is highly infectious. The major symptoms of pink eye are inflamed, gritty eyes with yellowish discharge. When conjunctivitis is caused by bacteria, antibiotics can help.
  • Corneal Ulcers
    Sometimes known as corneal ulcers, eye abscesses are, in fact, open lesions of the cornea. They might be caused by an accident or when bacteria or a foreign object (such as lawn debris) scratches the cornea. It is vital that patients have these treated promptly to prevent corneal scarring, which might result in vision loss.
  • Styes and Chalazia
    A large number of patients confuse styes and chalazia due to the fact that they are both eyelid afflictions that are particularly easy to mistake by appearance and symptoms. Nevertheless, chalazia and styes are separate conditions. A stye is produced if bacteria works its way into any one of your eyelash follicles. From there, an inflamed bulge generally develops either externally or under the eyelid, close to the lash line. Styes may be small or large and can lead to a range of levels of discomfort, depending on how big they are and their location. A chalazion, on the other hand, is a clogged or swollen eyelid oil duct; therefore, they generally do not happen on the eyelashes. Chalazia generally grow relatively slowly but can ultimately grow to the size of a small pebble. Chalazia do not generally cause discomfort, though, if they are left untreated and become large enough, they might impact vision.
  • Uveitis
    Anytime someone experiences inflammation in the uvea (the middle layer of the eye wall), it is called uveitis. Uveitis is generally related to autoimmune disorders; however, it can also be the result of a number of bacteria, fungi, or viruses. Uveitis could damage eye tissue and result in visual impairment. It is typically easy to diagnose by the extreme eye redness, sensitivity to light, and eye pain. Though it's incredibly important to treat the symptoms, it is also important to establish and deal with its primary cause.

What Are the SYmptoms of Common Eye Infections?

Though infections of the eye are very common and treatable, even the most insignificant infection can produce serious discomfort. People with eye infections may develop symptoms that range from mild to extreme and could include itching, stinging, teary eyes, swollen eyelids, and oozing discharge. Some infections, like chalazia, can produce a bump on the eyelid. While the loss of vision is uncommon with the most common types of infections, blurry vision can occur in severe infections. Therefore, it is essential to seek medical help from an eye care professional if you suffer from lingering eye infection symptoms.

What Are the Causes of Common Eye Infections?

Most standard eye infections are caused by a virus, a fungus, or bacteria. Eye infections are most commonly passed on and caught by those who are exposed to one of these pathogens and then rub their eyes after forgetting to wash their hands. Some patients could form certain eye infections more regularly if they wear contact lenses. Therefore, it is essential to completely cleanse your hands before putting in or removing your lenses. Plus, it is dangerous to share eye cosmetics. It is important to toss out any of these and not reuse them if you happen to experience an eye infection.

Who Is at Risk of Common Eye Infections?

Individuals at higher risk for common eye infections include those who wear contact lenses, as improper cleaning or extended wear can introduce bacteria. People with weakened immune systems or underlying health conditions, such as diabetes, are also more susceptible. Frequent exposure to allergens, polluted environments, or close contact with infected individuals can increase the likelihood of developing eye infections. Additionally, poor hygiene practices, like touching the eyes with unclean hands, can raise the risk.

How Are Common Eye Infections Diagnosed?

Determining the type of and reason for the infection is important for designing your treatment plan and avoiding infections down the road.


Treatment is based on the type of eye infection. For infections that are bacterial, it is common to prescribe oral or eye-drop form antibiotics. If you have serious swelling, prescribing eye drops is common, or in certain cases, injections of cortisone or a steroid. If you have a stye or chalazion that isn't healing on its own, laser treatment or minimally invasive surgery may be the best method.

Common eye infections FAQs

Can I wear contacts with an eye infection?

If you wear contact lenses and have any of the above symptoms, remove your contacts and wear glasses until you have consulted with the eye surgeons at Wang Vision Institute. Harmful bacteria may spread to your contacts, and putting them back in your eyes could cause more problems. Once your infection is treated, it's important to clean your contacts thoroughly before putting them in.

Are eye infections contagious?

Yes, infections like pink eye are very contagious and can easily spread from person to person. Contracting an eye infection can happen by touching, sharing personal items, and exposure to possible contaminated surfaces. We recommend washing your hands frequently, keeping your eye area clean, and avoiding people with symptoms of eye infections.

Can I do anything to reduce discomfort?

There are several effective ways to soothe the symptoms of an eye infection while you wait for unwanted bacteria to clear up. These include rinsing your eyes with a simple saline solution or using a cool compress. However, it's best to consult with Wang Vision Institute before using home remedies since some eye infections can be dangerous.

Relief For Eye Infections

Despite the fact that eye infections are usually minor severity, they have the potential to progress and become very dangerous, and it can be nearly impossible to determine which kind of infection you have on your own. If you do develop an eye infection, or if you sense anything in your eye, we urge you to see a professional in Nashville, TN as soon as possible, especially if it is producing pain or redness. 

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