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Myopia in Nashville, TN

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What Is Myopia?

Close to 40 percent of the population in the United States is diagnosed with myopia (nearsightedness), making it one of the most prevalent refractive conditions. Myopia is a refractive error that leads to problems with an inability to focus on objects or images that are not close to the eye. This means that far-away objects or focal points may appear blurry, or the person with myopia might lack the ability to perceive them at all. Over time, people can develop extreme, moderate, or minor myopia. People who have myopia can generally see pretty well with near vision but have problems seeing far-away items, such as road signs while driving, chalkboards at work or in the classroom, or movie screens.

If you have myopia, there are a lot of options to deal with it and help clear up your vision. At our office in Nashville, TN, eye surgeon Dr. Ming Wang and his team make diagnoses of sight impairments, like myopia, and provide appropriate corrective options that can accommodate your day-to-day activities. 

What Are Risk Factors of Myopia?

Myopia often develops during childhood or adolescence and is influenced by both genetics and environmental factors. Children with one or both parents who have myopia are at higher risk, as are those who spend significant time on near-focused activities, such as reading or using digital screens. A lack of outdoor activities during early development has also been associated with an increased risk of myopia.

What Are the Symptoms of Myopia?

Generally, the first obvious indication of myopia is hazy vision that occurs when trying to focus on objects from a distance. You might also deal with other problems that stem from habitual squinting or eye strain. Eye strain, also referred to as eye fatigue or asthenopia, could cause aching or dry eyes. It might also cause intolerance to light and strain in the shoulders and neck. Sometimes, people who already use prescription lenses for myopia notice these symptoms. These signs usually mean that your eye prescription needs to be updated. To enhance your vision and improve your range of sight, you should receive an eye exam at your earliest convenience.

What Are the Causes of Myopia?

Experts have indicated that myopia can be either inherited or caused by environmental factors. The hazy vision that comes along with nearsightedness is caused by the abnormal shape of the cornea or the eyeball. When the eyeball is longer than normal front to back, or when the cornea is too domed, any light entering the eye won't be aimed properly onto the retina. In general, nearsightedness begins to develop in school-aged children, especially in children who are genetically predisposed. Nevertheless, adults may also develop myopia due to environmental factors or other health conditions. A few behaviors that are associated with nearsightedness include concentrative reading and writing over lengthy periods of time (like in study or professional contexts), avoiding the outdoors, and particularly, taking too much time to read content on mobile devices. Myopia can also be caused by spiking blood sugar levels in those with diabetes.

How Is Myopia Diagnosed?

Determining the presence of nearsightedness is fairly simple and generally done with a standard vision acuity evaluation. Most people are familiar with this test, which just entails reading letters ranging in size on an eye chart. Other well-known assessments that might be performed involve a phoropter (sometimes known as a refractor) and a retinoscope (a tiny light) to test how your eyes refract light. 

How Is Myopia Treated?

People who are diagnosed with myopia have plenty of effective treatment options available based on their prescriptions and daily activities. Some patients may consider refractive surgery, such as LASIK, for effective results. Talk to a member of our team if you would like to have laser vision correction, and we will be able to tell you whether you might be eligible.


Neglecting to address your poor vision can often result in other unwanted symptoms, such as headaches and fatigue. Myopia is a very common vision impairment that, thankfully, is completely manageable for many patients who experience it.  Getting laser surgery could truly enhance the day-to-day lives of Nashville, TN men and women. Contact Wang Vision Institute for more information.

Myopia FAQs

Can myopia lead to blindness?

Myopia does not lead to serious, vision-threatening complications like blindness. However, it can cause many of the vision problems described above, including blurry vision, chronic headaches, and eye strain from trying to focus on objects.

Can nearsightedness be cured?

Currently, there is no cure for myopia. Most people use glasses and contact lenses to improve their vision and achieve some clarity. Of course, visual aids do nothing to address the cause of your nearsightedness.

Will LASIK treat myopia?

For people with mild or moderate cases of nearsightedness in Nashville, TN, LASIK surgery can be an effective option for correcting your vision problems. Patients at Wang Vision Institute will still need an eye assessment to make sure LASIK is right for their needs.

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