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Astigmatism Nashville, TN

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The prevalence of astigmatism of the population in the United States is between 30-60% of the population and it can occur with both myopia (nearsighted) and hyperopia (farsighted). Astigmatism can affect the vision at distance and/or at near, due to the curvature of your cornea or natural lens is irregularly shaped not allowing your eye to focus light properly. If your cornea is shaped more like a football than a soccer ball, your eye will not be able to focus light rays at a single point.

If you have astigmatism, there are many options to deal with it and help clear up your vision. At our office in Nashville, TN, eye surgeon Dr. Ming Wang and his team make diagnoses of sight impairments, like astigmatism, and provide appropriate corrective options that can accommodate your day-to-day activities.

What Are the Symptoms of Astigmatism?

Generally, the first indication of astigmatism is hazy vision which could occur when trying to focus on objects from distance or at near. People with astigmatism may have difficulty with glare, halos or starbursts while driving at night. You might also deal with other problems that stem from habitual squinting or eye strain. Eye strain, also referred to as eye fatigue or asthenopia, could cause aching or dry eyes. It might also cause intolerance to light and strain in the shoulders and neck. These signs usually mean that your eye prescription needs to be updated.

What Are the Causes of Astigmatism?

An irregular shape to either the cornea or the lens causes astigmatism, corneal astigmatism is by far the most common. The irregular shape of the cornea is commonly described more like a football than a soccer ball; this irregularity does not allow the eye to focus light rays at a single point. If the eye’s lens curvature changes, this can worsen your astigmatism. This can happen in adulthood and with naturally occurring cataracts.

What Are the Risk Factors for Astigmatism?

Certain factors can increase your chances of developing astigmatism, including family history or having other vision conditions (like nearsightedness or farsightedness). Past eye injuries or surgeries can sometimes affect the eye's natural shape, which might lead to astigmatism as well. Additionally, some eye conditions that impact the cornea could make astigmatism more likely. Keeping up with regular eye exams at our Nashville, TN office is a good way to catch any changes early, especially if any of these factors apply to you.

How is Astigmatism Diagnosed?

Determining the presence of astigmatism is fairly simple and generally done with a standard vision acuity evaluation. Most people are familiar with this test, which just entails reading letters ranging in size on an eye chart. Other well-known assessments that might be performed involve a phoropter (sometimes known as a refractor) and a retinoscope (a tiny light) to test how your eyes refract light.

How is Astigmatism Treated?

People who are diagnosed with astigmatism have plenty of effective treatment options available based on their prescriptions and daily activities. Some patients may consider refractive surgery, such as LASIK, ZEISS SMILE or PRK, for effective results. Talk to a member of our team if you would like to have laser vision correction, and we will be able to tell you whether you might be eligible.

Astigmatism FAQS

Can astigmatism be treated without surgery?

Glasses and contact lenses can improve your vision and help you focus on objects more clearly. However, these are not ideal for athletes or very active individuals. Laser surgery to address the cause of your astigmatism is a good option to decrease dependency on glasses or contact lenses.

What are the surgical options to correct astigmatism?

Laser procedures such as LASIK, ZEISS SMILE, and PRK are among the safest and most effective solutions for men and women with farsightedness. For patients that are not candidates for laser procedures, astigmatism may be treated with intraocular implants during cataract surgery, refractive lens exchange, or implantable contact lens procedure (ICL). Our Nashville, TN, office needs to perform an examination and confirm your astigmatism diagnosis before moving forward.

Can astigmatism worsen over time?

Astigmatism can change over time, either increasing or decreasing in severity. Regular eye examinations at Wang Vision Institute are essential to monitor these changes and update prescriptions as needed.

Is astigmatism hereditary?

Yes, astigmatism can run in families, suggesting a genetic component. However, environmental factors and eye injuries can also contribute to its development.

Can children have astigmatism?

Yes, children can have astigmatism. Early eye examinations are crucial to detect and correct astigmatism, preventing potential learning difficulties related to poor vision.

Get Clear Vision Today

Neglecting to address your poor vision can often result in other unwanted symptoms, such as headaches and fatigue. Astigmatism is a very common vision impairment that, thankfully, is completely manageable for many patients who experience it. Getting laser surgery could truly enhance the day-to-day lives of Nashville, TN men and women. Contact Wang Vision Institute for more information.

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