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Debunking Popular Eye Myths

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Growing up, we all heard popular myths about our eyesight. For example, the most common rumor was that eating carrots would help improve your eyesight. As you matured and became an adult, did you ever stop to wonder if these rumors were true? Keep reading to learn if the most popular myths about eyes are fact or fiction. 

Myth #1: Carrots Can Improve Your Eyesight 


Carrots contain vitamin A which is important for a healthy diet. In an interview with NPR, ophthalmologist Rebecca Taylor, a spokesperson for the Academy of Ophthalmology says,

"Vitamin A will [help] keep your vision healthy; it won't improve your vision. It won't keep you from needing glasses or contacts."  

Additionally, carrots are not the only source of vitamin A. Sweet potatoes, spinach, and kale also contain high levels of vitamin A.

Myth #2: Sitting too Close to the TV Hurts Your Eyes


Sitting too close to the TV has not been proven to permanently hurt your eyes. Although, it may cause temporary nearsightedness. The real issue is the blue light emitted by TVs and other screens. For more information on how blue light affects your eyesight check out our previous blog

Myth #3: Reading in the Dark Damages Vision


Many ophthalmologists agree that reading in the dark can cause headaches and eye strain, but it is unlikely that doing so will cause long term damage. 

It is important to note that some researchers believe that putting excessive strain on your eyes, such as reading in the dark, can cause a decline in vision as you age. 

Myth #4: Looking Directly at the Sun is Bad for Your Eyes 


Staring directly at the sun without the proper eye protection can permanently damage your retinas.

For more information about sun damage and how to protect your eyes, read our previous blog.  

Myth #5: If you Cross Your Eyes They Will Get Stuck That Way


As a kid your parents probably told you, “Don’t make that face because your eyes will get stuck that way.” In fact, voluntarily crossing your eyes will not make them stay that way permanently. Crossed eyes are likely a result of nerve damage. 

If you’re ready to experience clear vision like never before, schedule a consultation with Wang Vision Institute today.  

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.