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Tips for Safe Driving at Night

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Driving at night brings its own set of challenges, which can be further affected by aging eyes. Certain symptoms may become so severe that it is no longer safe for you to drive at night.

Is driving at night dangerous? 

After the sun sets, the roads can look completely different. Obstacles and curves in the road can become harder to see, and the glare of headlights from the opposite lane can make it even more difficult to see well enough to drive safely. Be sure to drive with extra caution at night and assess your ability to drive safely in certain conditions. 

Interstates at night

Eyesight changes can make it more difficult to drive at night.

As you age, your eyes will change in ways that can make it more difficult or dangerous for you to drive at night. The rods in your eyes that help you distinguish between light and dark will gradually deteriorate, and your lenses will become more cloudy as you age. This makes it more difficult to focus and increases sensitivity to glare.

Symptoms that may indicate that your eyes are not as effective at night include increased glare, halo effects around lights, eye fatigue, and blurry, dim, or cloudy vision. If you notice these symptoms, you may need a stronger prescription or possibly cataract surgery. Contact your ophthalmologist to set up an appointment if you begin to notice your eyesight changing at night. 

Older man in car

How to Drive Safely At Night

If you have properly assessed your eyesight and feel that you can safely drive at night, there are some habits you can adopt to ensure that you are as safe as possible. Get plenty of sleep, eat eye-healthy foods , and consider wearing prescription glasses while you drive at night. Also, make sure that your car is ready for safe nighttime driving - check that the headlights aren’t fogged over and the windows and windshield are clean. 

At a certain point, it might become unsafe for you to drive at night, even if you take all of the proper precautions. To minimize the risk of hurting yourself or others, consider no longer driving at night if your symptoms prevent you from being able to safely drive.

Blurry lights while driving

Are you nervous that your eyesight might be preventing you from driving safely at night? Contact us today  to schedule a consultation with our experienced optometrists and ophthalmologists!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.