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Cornea Diseases in Nashville, TN

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The cornea is a transparent layer of tissue that covers the front portion of the eye. It provides protection to the structures of the eyeball by guarding the eye against foreign elements, such as germs, dirt, dust, and more. Healthy corneas are typically dome-shaped while not being too round nor too oblong. A healthy cornea is essential to a person's quality of vision because the shape of the cornea determines the angle at which light enters the eye — if light doesn't enter the eye correctly, this prevents the lens and retina from receiving the reflection.

There are a number of commonly occurring diseases and disorders that can affect the cornea and your overall eye health, which is why our team at Wang Vision Institute is proud to be at the forefront of advancements in the optical industry. With our register of comprehensive techniques and state-of-the-art technologies, we can diagnose and treat a wide range of corneal conditions. 

Diseases and Disorders That affect the Cornea

At Wang Vision Institute, our highly trained eye surgeons have years of experience in diagnosing and treating a wide spectrum of corneal diseases and disorders, ranging from the commonly occurring to the more rare. Some conditions we see more commonly at our Nashville, TN eye center are:

  • Keratoconus: This is an advancing disorder that results in the weakening of the cornea. When the corneal tissue thins, it causes the shape of the cornea to distort, causing impaired vision.
  • Corneal Abrasion: Corneal abrasions are superficial injuries to the outermost layer of the cornea. These can be caused by a fingernail scratch or from dirt getting into the eye.
  • Corneal Ulcer: Corneal ulcers develop from unhealed wounds as a result of injury, overuse of contact lenses, dehydration, or abscesses.
  • Keratitis: Keratitis is a type of corneal inflammation that could be fungal, bacterial, viral, or caused by eye trauma.
  • Pterygium: This is a noncancerous growth of fatty tissue that develops on the eye when blood vessels grow to the point of concealing the cornea.
  • Corneal Dystrophy: Corneal dystrophy is an umbrella term that refers to over 20 hereditary eye diseases, any of which can result in the progressive accumulation of cloudy tissue in the cornea.

What are risk factors for cornea diseases and disorders?

At Wang Vision Institute, several factors can amplify the risk our Nashville, TN patients are at for cornea diseases and disorders. Genetics play a big role in the liklihood of getting cornea disease. In addition, trauma to the eye from aggressive rubbing or long-term wearing of hard contacts can put you at a higher risk for this disease. Other factors to pay attention to include allergies, eczema, and other eye conditions. Talk to your provider about your medical history so that they can get the best possible diagnosis of your cornea health.

what are the symptoms of cornea diseases/disorders?

Although a number of corneal diseases and disorders can cause symptoms to manifest, others may not have any noticeable signs. Signs and symptoms can range from mild to severe, and if left untreated, could lead to pain, discomfort, or even loss of vision. Many of the major cornea disorders share a number of signs and symptoms, including:

  • Blood-shot, inflamed, or swollen eyes
  • Eye pain or discomfort
  • Cloudy or skewed vision
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Throbbing headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light

Depending on your unique situation and condition, you may experience one, a few, or several of the aforementioned symptoms, or maybe even none at all.

what causes cornea diseases/disorders?

The majority of corneal diseases and disorders are hereditary. This means that patients with a family history of certain corneal conditions may be at an increased risk to develop the issue as well. Typically, diagnosing and treating corneal diseases is easier when the problem is caught early on. Immediate detection and management of corneal conditions could reduce your chance of developing life-changing complications, such as vision loss.

While a large number of corneal disorders have a genetic element, some can be brought on by trauma. If you injure either of your eyes, receiving a prompt examination and care will be essential to ensure your long-term eye health.

how are cornea diseases/disorders treated?

Our talented eye surgeons at Wang Vision Institute are devoted to keeping up to date with the latest advancements in the optical industry in terms of techniques and technologies. Just a handful of the innovative corneal treatments we're proud to offer our Nashville, TN patients are:

  • Corneal Cross-Linking (UV Riboflavin CXL): Performed for patients with keratoconus, corneal cross-linking is a minimally invasive surgery that improves collagen fiber bonds within the cornea to reduce or prohibit the thinning and weakening of the cornea.
  • Intacs® Corneal Implants: Intacs are incredibly tiny, crescent-shaped implants that are inserted into the edges of the cornea, known as the stoma. The calculated placement of Intacs corneal implants is designed to alter the shape of the cornea slightly, and in turn, improve a patient's vision without having to remove any corneal tissue. These implants are used to address misshaped corneas caused by keratoconus. They can also be used to reduce myopia.
  • Phototherapeutic Keratectomy (PTK): This is a laser procedure designed to remove scar tissue, cloudy tissue, or corneal dystrophy that lies beneath the epithelium. PTK shares similarities with LASIK in duration and technique.

cornea diseases/disorders faq

When should I seek treatment for a cornea disease/disorder?
You should seek treatment at the onset of your disease symptoms. During your initial visit to our facility, our team will evaluate the current condition of your eyes to better diagnose your condition. If a cornea disease or disorder is identified during a routine eye exam, we can then create a treatment plan that is ideal for you.

What happens if a cornea disease/disorder goes untreated?
If left untreated, a cornea disease/disorder can greatly affect your vision and the overall health of your eye. In severe cases, you could even experience vision loss. This is why it is important to contact our facility for treatment as soon as you notice symptoms of a cornea disease or disorder.

How do I know which cornea treatment is right for me?
The exact treatment plan that is ideal for you will be dependent upon the disease or disorder that is affecting your cornea. After a proper evaluation, our Nashville, TN eye care team will be able to better determine the condition and create an appropriate treatment plan. At Wang Vision Institute, we offer several state-of-the-art treatments to restore your eye health.

Are there nonsurgical treatments for corneal disorders?
Yes, nonsurgical treatments include the use of lubricating eye drops, anti-inflammatory medications, and specialized contact lenses to manage symptoms and slow disease progression.

How do I prevent corneal infections?
Preventing corneal infections involves practicing good hygiene, especially with contact lenses, protecting your eyes from injury, and seeking prompt treatment for eye infections or injuries.

What role does the cornea play in overall eye health?
The cornea is the eye’s clear, outermost layer that focuses light onto the retina. Maintaining corneal health is essential for clear vision and protecting the eye from infections and injuries.

comprehensive care

The dedicated professionals at Wang Vision Institute in Nashville, TN are devoted to providing men and women with only the highest quality care. Featuring a diverse team of eye surgeons and optometrists with impressive skill sets and years' worth of experience in the field of eye health, we offer a range of services designed to improve your vision and enhance your life. To see the world through clearer eyes, or to ask about any specific corneal conditions, give us a call and speak to a member of our knowledgeable team.

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