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When Is It Safe To Drive After Laser Cataract Surgery?

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Laser cataract surgery is one of the most common and successful procedures performed today. At Wang Vision Institute, Dr. Ming Wang and Dr. Josh Frenkel field questions about different aspects of this operation. This includes the recovery period and what to expect after cataract surgery.

So, can you drive after cataract surgery, and when is it safe to start driving again? Although the answer varies between patients, our team can give you a specific answer during your eye consultation in Nashville, TN. Learn more about laser cataract surgery recovery time by giving us a call.

Laser cataract surgery recovery time

Cataract surgery recovery generally ranges from 1 – 2 months. A trained member of our team can give you guidelines to ensure efficient healing during this time. We also offer prescription eye drops that need to be taken as directed. Do not press down or irritate your eyes to avoid complications, such as an infection. While some people notice improved vision right away, it still takes a few days for post-operative swelling to fade away. Our team will schedule follow-up appointments to make sure your eyesight is progressing as planned.

Patients can minimize laser cataract surgery recovery time by following these tips:

  • Do not lift heavy objects or participate in strenuous activities

  • Do not swim or use a hot tub following surgery

  • Do not expose your eye to irritants, such as dust and dirt

Can you drive after cataract surgery?

So, can you drive after cataract surgery? Laser cataract surgery is an outpatient treatment, which means patients can return home afterward. However, you cannot drive yourself and will need to arrange transportation to and from our facility. This is because, in addition to blurry vision, your eyes may also be sensitive to light, making it too dangerous to drive on your own. Ask a close friend or family member for a ride at least several days in advance to make sure they can take time out of their day to help.

When to drive safely again

It is important that you do not operate any vehicles until Dr. Wang or Dr. Frenkel gives you clearance first. It could be that we recommend waiting a little longer before driving again due to safety concerns. The amount of time you need to wait depends on factors such as your eye health and whether you experienced any complications during laser cataract surgery. That said, we estimate waiting several days to several weeks before getting behind the wheel again.

Check your glasses prescription

Before resuming driving, it is a good idea to update your current prescription eyeglasses and make sure they still provide you with optimal vision. While your vision will be much improved after laser cataract surgery, some patients may still require glasses for simple tasks. If you have questions about your new eyesight and whether you need visual aids, speak with a member of our team today.

Learn what to expect after cataract surgery

Patients are often excited about the results of their laser cataract surgery. This procedure can help you see more clearly during everyday activities, including driving. If you want to know what to expect after cataract surgery, meet with our trusted physicians Dr. Ming Wang and Dr. Josh Frenkel. At Wang Vision Institute in Nashville, TN, our goal is to help you achieve a lifetime of improved vision.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.