What You Need to Know About Eye Floaters
Eye floaters can happen naturally as you age, appearing as small shapes that float around your field of vision. While they are common and typically don’t require treatment, they could be a symptom of a serious condition. Wang Vision Institute was the first in the state to perform laser floater removal (LFR) using the state-of-the-art Ellex laser. In the past, floaters could only be eradicated completely with major surgery, but now there is a non-invasive treatment option!
What are eye floaters?
As their name suggests, you may notice floaters as shapes floating around in your field of vision. When you blink and look around, they will remain in your field of sight. They can be the result of debris, shadows, or blood cells floating around your eye.
Causes of Eye Floaters
Floaters can be brought on by the natural aging process. As we age, the vitreous fluid in the eyes can start to shrink and thicken, producing clumps. These clumps cast shadows in the retina, which are the floaters we see. While the vitreous shrinks, it can pull away from the retina, which may cause detachment. Certain vision surgeries may also cause people to notice more floaters in their vision, but this is usually nothing to be concerned with. In addition to these factors, eye trauma or injury may also lead to an increase in floaters.
Risk Factors of Eye Floaters
You can be more likely to have eye floaters if you:
- Are over the age of 50
- Have had eye trauma
- Are nearsighted
- Have complications from a cataract surgery
- Have eye inflammation
- Have diabetic retinopathy
Treatment of Eye Floaters
In most cases, floaters are a natural part of the aging process and will not require treatment. While they might be annoying when you first notice them, over time you’ll be less likely to notice them in your field of vision. Still, experiencing any of these issues is usually a sign that you should schedule a consultation at our Nashville, TN office:
- Noticing a dramatic increase in the number of floaters
- Seeing persistent flashes of light
- Having "shaded" vision, similar to a cloud concealing the sun, or a shadow/curtain/veil in your vision
- Loss of peripheral vision
- Noticing a decrease in your overall quality of vision
Wang Vision Institute was the first in the state to perform laser floater removal (LFR) using the state-of-the-art Ellex laser. At Wang Vision Institute, we are proud to offer this innovative laser floater removal. In the past, floaters could only be eradicated completely with major surgery, but now there is a non-invasive treatment option! Currently, Wang Vision Institute is among the only centers in the state to offer laser floater removal.
Are you experiencing floaters in your eye? Schedule a consultation with the team from Wan g Vision Institute today to meet with one of our experienced ophthalmologists or optometrists.