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What is the Recovery Time For Refractive Lens Exchange?

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At Wang Vision Institute, Dr. Ming Wang and Dr. Josh Frenkel have helped countless patients who struggle with refractive errors or other visual impairments. We offer many treatments, including refractive lens exchange surgery, for patients who are over 45 who have seen a decline in their vision due to aging in Nashville, TN. The best candidate for Forever Young™ lens surgery is someone with age-related vision loss (presbyopia) or with cataracts. One of our trained ophthalmologists will conduct an eye evaluation to access your current eye health and condition, a medical history, and goals for treatment overall.

What is Forever Young lens surgery?

This refractive lens exchange surgery is a procedure that helps to improve vision and to reduce someone’s dependence on glasses or contacts. Our skilled eye surgeons, Dr. Wang and Dr. Frenkel use the most advanced lens technology to provide clear eye vision. This lifestyle lens is intended for patients with presbyopia who want to improve near and distance sight. This new technique gets its name “Forever Young” from the effect that the lens will have on the patient’s reading ability and their reduced dependence on eyewear.

At our Nashville, TN office, we are one of the first in the nation to offer this new and advanced surgery. We can evaluate your candidacy for Forever Young surgery during an exam. You may not qualify for it if you have certain corneal diseases, eye infections, or other medical conditions that may slow or prevent healing altogether. While we recommend this eye surgery for patients in their 40s, we have seen success in working with younger patients too.

What technologies do we use during eye lens replacement surgery?

To successfully perform Forever Young lens surgery, Dr. Wang and Dr. Frenkel use a combination of technologies to produce successful results for their patients in Nashville, TN. They include:

  1. TrueVision HD System: This system uses images of the eye on a large screen during your lens replacement surgery. This allows our team at Wang Vision Institute to import pre-operative corneal images in real-time to precisely position and align your eye for astigmatism treatment.

  2. Smart Eye Surgery: We use this intra-operative technology to test drive your new lens. This will help our surgical team to determine if the lens we selected will work best for you. We can make necessary adjustments as needed before we complete your refractive lens exchange surgery.

What happens during refractive lens exchange surgery?

During refractive lens exchange surgery, we carefully remove the existing lens on the eye and replace it with an intraocular lens. This new lens will allow light to pass through the eye and focus properly on the retina. This provides clear eye vision. This surgery is similar to cataract surgery. The only difference is that the natural lens of the eye isn’t cloudy, and the goal is for the eyes to reduce their dependence on glasses or contacts. We will choose an intraocular lens that will best suit your eyes and lifestyle. This lens will allow you to more effectively see both near and far.

Recovery from Forever Young surgery

Until the antibiotic eye drops wear off, your vision will remain blurry. However, many of our patients at our Nashville, TN office see well the day after surgery. Vision will fluctuate as your eyes heal and will settle after a few weeks. There may be some mild discomfort for a few days after your procedure. Antibiotic eye drops will need to be taken for a few weeks following your eye surgery as a precaution. If you’re having surgery on both eyes, each is done separately, about a week apart. Follow-up appointments will allow us to closely monitor your healing.

Have clear eye vision with the help of Forever Young lens surgery

Forever Young lens surgery is a new treatment that helps improve vision and reduce dependency on eyeglasses or contacts. Dr. Ming Wang and Dr. Josh Frenkel have successfully used this refractive lens exchange surgery to restore vision in patients of a variety of ages. To learn more about this lens surgery and to find out if you’re a candidate, call our Nashville, TN office to schedule a consultation.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.