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What Cataract Surgery Looks Like at Wang Vision

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If you have cloudy or blurry vision, there’s a good chance you could have a cataract in your eye. Our team is dedicated to helping you achieve the best eyesight possible, and we offer multiple cataract surgery options to best suit your needs. Read more about what cataract surgery looks like at Wang Vision below.

How to Prepare for Surgery

The first symptom of cataracts is generally foggy eyesight that isn’t helped by eyeglasses or contacts. While cataracts aren’t painful, the result of aging and other medical or behavioral conditions can speed up the condition. You can prepare for cataract surgery by being aware of lifestyle issues that may harm your eyesight and by checking on your medical conditions. Some patients may be unable to undergo cataract surgery. 

Before the Procedure

Cataract surgery patients should see an ophthalmologist or optometrist to conduct a comprehensive eye exam before the procedure. Our team will perform a simple test to make sure your eyes can see a contrast in images. After the initial tests, patients will undergo a slit-lamp exam to check the eye’s outermost structures. The last two tests conducted are a retinal exam and a potential acuity exam (PAM). Both of these tests can help determine if a patient needs to have surgery.

During Cataract Surgery

Wang Vision Institute offers both traditional and laser cataract surgery. With laser surgery, our office uses LenSx lasers that graph an intricate map of the eye. After the cataract is taken out, Dr. Wang will place the intraocular lens. Due to its exceptional accuracy, laser cataract surgery produces more impressive results than traditional cataract surgery. The procedure normally takes around 10-15 minutes to complete.

Rest After Cataract Surgery

The full recovery period for cataract surgery normally lasts around 1-2 months. It is advised for you to have someone pick you up after surgery and immediately go home to rest. A doctor will prescribe you specific eye drops to take for the healing process. Do not press on or irritate the eyes after surgery. For nearly all cataract surgery patients, vision is noticeably improved directly after the procedure.

Schedule a Follow-Up Appointment 

Our team at Wang Vision Institute suggests all patients schedule a follow-up appointment after surgery. This helps our team monitor your recovery process and eyesight progress. 

To learn more about what cataract surgery looks like at WVI, attend our FREE Vision Webinar on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. CST. 

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.