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Vuity™: NEW Eye Drops to Help Presbyopia Patients

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A new FDA approved eye drop has been released, called Vuity™, formulated to treat adult patients who have presbyopia

What is Presbyopia and how can Vuity™ Help me?

Once an adult reaches 40 years of age, their close-up vision typically starts to decline. This change in vision is known as presbyopia, and it impairs the ability to see things that are near to the eyes. While nobody looks forward to vision loss, this is a perfectly normal part of the aging process. 

As we age, the lenses in our eyes start to become less flexible. Nearly everyone, even people who have enjoyed perfect vision throughout life, can start to discover that they have to hold food packaging or other items farther away to read them clearly.

Vuity™ is (pilocarpine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution) 1.25%, a once daily drop indicated for the treatment of presbyopia in adults. It is FDA-approved for patients 40-55 diagnosed with presbyopia. Vuity™ helps you focus on things up close, such as cell phones, books, cooking, menus, etc. 

Vuity™ primarily works by reducing your pupil size to help you see up close. Optimizing pupil size allows improvement in near vision without compromising distance vision.

Has Vuity™ been Tested?

In clinical studies where patients received one drop of Vuity™ in each eye once daily, this was measured by the proportion of patients achieving a 3-line gain or more reading a near vision eye chart without losing more than 1 line in a distance vision eye chart at Day 30, 3 hours after dosing.

What is the Goal of Vuity™? 

Vuity™ works best in the morning time and the effects start in as little as 15 minutes. It is effective for up to 6 hours; however, individual results may vary. Vuity™ is dispensed from a 2.5 mL bottle, estimated to last around a month if used every day in both eyes. The goal of Vuity™ is to reduce one’s dependency on reading glasses. 

Can I use Vuity™ if I have already received LASIK or Cataract Surgery?

Patients who have previously had LASIK may be able to benefit from Vuity™, depending on age and the degree of presbyopia. Vuity™ may work after cataract surgery depending on the type of lens implanted. 

Are there any Side Effects or Reactions with Vuity™?

The most common adverse reactions, in less than 5% of people, reported in clinical trials were headache and conjunctival hyperemia. Conjunctival hyperemia is a conjunctival reaction that appears as dilation and redness of the conjunctival vessels, but is often rare. Dimming of vision is commonly reported with the use of Vuity™ drops. 

Is Vuity™ a Long-Term Fix for Presbyopia?

Vuity™ is a short-term solution for presbyopia. Here at Wang Vision Institute, we recommend looking into a long-term solution, otherwise known as Forever Young™. Forever Young™ (FY) is designed to help patients in their 40s and over with age-related vision loss or presbyopia. FY surgery is a comprehensive procedure that can improve vision and reduce an individual's dependence on glasses and contacts. 

Contact our team of doctors at Wang Vision for more details and to see if Vuity™ or Forever Young™ surgery is right for you! 

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.