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Seven Common Symptoms of Cataracts

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Cataracts are a regular part of the aging process, but they do come with a number of challenges. As the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, people find it difficult to see or perform normal activities like reading or driving. Unfortunately, many of our patients at Wang Vision Institute find that cataracts make them lose their sense of independence.

It is important to understand the most common cataract signs and symptoms to catch this condition before vision loss becomes permanent. When you make an appointment with Dr. Ming Wang and Dr. Josh Frenkel in Nashville, TN, we can help you maintain a lifetime of good eyesight. Learn about the most common cataract symptoms below.

Cataract signs and symptoms

Cataracts are a simple clouding of the lens. When left untreated for long periods of time, cataracts result in vision impairment or complete blindness. This issue usually presents itself after the age of 40, when the proteins in the lens begin to clump together and prevent light from hitting the retina. Sometimes, cataracts form so slowly that many patients are unaware they have them. Conditions like cataracts are a major reason why annual or biannual eye examinations are so important.

The first symptom of cataracts is increasingly foggy vision that cannot be solved with contact lenses or glasses. They usually begin as small aberrations, but over time they get worse. If you experience persistent or worsening cloudy vision, schedule a visit with an eye doctor as soon as possible. Wang Vision Institute in Nashville, TN can perform an examination to see if cataracts are the cause. Patients should look out for any of the other following cataract signs and symptoms:

  1. Gradual vision impairment: patients may attribute this to natural aging, but cataracts can cause your prescription to change over time.

  2. Difficulty reading: newspapers or books may be hard to read even with visual aids like glasses or contacts.

  3. Poor distance vision: objects that are further away, such as street signs, become difficult to read or identify.

  4. Limited depth perception: many cataracts patients have a hard time walking or using stairs, increasing their risk of falls around the house.

  5. Deteriorating night vision: cataracts may cause your vision to darken, making it challenging to see clearly at night.

  6. Increased light sensitivity: discomfort with bright lights becomes increasingly problematic. Patients may squint or close their eyes to avoid bright light.

  7. Halos around light sources: light passing through a cataract causes glare and ringlets around sources of light. This is more noticeable at night.

How we diagnose cataracts

To determine if someone is suffering from vision impairment, Wang Vision Institute needs to conduct a comprehensive eye exam. The tests to look for cataracts are both simple and, typically, pain-free. During this time, Dr. Wang or Dr. Frenkel may enlarge the pupils using special eye drops. After a vision test with a traditional eye chart, they may perform a contrast sensitivity test to check how easily you can see a contrast in images. After all our tests are conducted, we can provide options for moving forward in a safe and efficient manner.

Treat vision loss

Patients who experience vision loss or any of the above cataract symptoms should schedule a comprehensive eye exam with Wang Vision Institute. With an early diagnosis, eye surgeons Dr. Ming Wang and Dr. Josh Frenkel can create a custom plan to address your condition. We offer a patient-focused experience from the moment you walk through your door. Our clinic is proud to address a wide range of health concerns for people in Nashville, TN.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.