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PRK Vision Procedure: Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions

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At Wang Vision Institute, we understand the disappointment individuals may deal with who aren't eligible for LASIK, which is why we perform multiple types of laser refractive surgery, such as PRK (photorefractive keratectomy). 

For individuals who have been disappointed that they weren't proper candidates for LASIK, PRK may be your ideal solution.

What is PRK:

PRK laser vision surgery, performed at Wang Vision Institute in Nashville, TN, is a safe and effective method that can improve or resolve several significant vision conditions, particularly for those who aren't eligible for LASIK surgery. While LASIK may be more popular, PRK remains a valuable option, especially for individuals with thinner corneas or those who don't have enough corneal tissue for LASIK.

Benefits of PRK: 

  1. Tailored to Your Needs: PRK is better suited for certain individuals based on the results of the consultation. 
  2. Thinner Corneas Solution: It's more suitable for patients with thinner corneas. 
  3. Excellent Outcomes: Approximately 90% of PRK patients achieve 20/20 vision one year after surgery. 
  4. Less Dryness: PRK is associated with less dryness compared to LASIK. 
  5. Safe and Gentle: Our PRK procedures are safe and gentle. 
  6. Similar to LASIK: The surgery process is similar to LASIK and uses the same laser technology.


  • (1) Choosing Between PRK and LASIK: Our eye doctors in Nashville, TN, will determine whether PRK or LASIK is right for you during a comprehensive consultation.

  • (2) Pain During PRK: Anesthetic eye drops are used, so you'll feel no pain during the surgery. After the procedure, our team provides aftercare instructions for a comfortable recovery.

  • (3) Recovery Time: Most patients notice clearer vision within a few days, but full recovery can take up to one month. Follow-up appointments help evaluate your progress.

  • (4) Preparation for PRK: Before the procedure, you'll undergo a thorough eye exam. Your practitioner will guide you on ceasing contact lens use and certain medications.

  • (5) Makeup After PRK: Avoid wearing eye makeup for at least a week after PRK to prevent the risk of infection or irritation.

  • (6) Activities to Avoid: Strenuous activities, swimming, and hot tub use should be avoided for at least a week after PRK. Your eye care specialist at our Nashville, TN office will provide postoperative instructions.

At Wang Vision Institute, our experienced and highly trained team of ophthalmologists has proudly provided clear eyesight to numerous Nashville, TN patients. Contact us to schedule a consultation so we can determine if PRK is the most effective option for you.

To learn more about PRK and the other vision procedures offered at Wang Vision Institute, attend our FREE Online Vision Seminar on Tuesdays at 6:45 p.m. CST. RSVP here.  

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.