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My Eyes Are Sensitive to Light. Could I Have Dry Eye Syndrome?

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When it comes to dry eye syndrome, our patients at Wang Vision Institute in Nashville, TN experience a variety of symptoms. Dry eye syndrome is an eye condition where patients don’t have enough tear production to lubricate their eyes properly. Tears are needed for optimal eye health and to provide clear vision. When the eyes don’t produce enough tears or quality tears, it can be uncomfortable. Our doctors, Dr. Ming Wang and Dr. Josh Frenkel, can examine each patient’s eyes during a comprehensive eye exam to diagnose the proper eye disorder, whether it’s dry eye syndrome or something else. Our doctors offer many dry eye syndrome treatments.

Symptoms of dry eye syndrome

Some of the most common symptoms of dry eye syndrome include:

  • Burning, itchy, or red eyes

  • Watery eyes

  • Stringy mucus

  • Blurred vision

  • Lack of tear production

  • Dryness

  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses

  • Eye irritation

  • Sensitivity to light

Your symptoms may vary with dry eye syndrome, but our doctors can examine your eyes to diagnose you properly.

What causes dry eye syndrome?

Tears have three layers: the oily outer layer, the watery middle layer, and the inner mucus layer. If the glands that produce tears become inflamed or damaged, it can lead to dry eye syndrome. Patients who take nasal decongestants or birth control, who have had LASIK eye surgery, or who have a Vitamin A deficiency are at a greater risk for developing dry eye syndrome symptoms.

Diagnosing dry eyes

At Wang Vision Institute in Nashville, TN, Dr. Wang and Dr. Frenkel conduct thorough eye exams in order to diagnose dry eye syndrome in patients. Some dry eye syndrome patients may experience sensitivity to light, known as photophobia. However, it isn’t a common symptom with chronic dry eyes. Ultimately, when your eyes feel different than before, it’s important to schedule an eye exam visit. We can perform different tests to examine the number of tears in your eyes. We will use fluorescein, a dye, to make the tear film on your eyes easier to see. This allows us to test the rate of tear production with a paper wick that is placed on the edge of each eyelid. We can also look at the quality of your tears and how long it takes your tears to dry. Patients with dry eye syndrome will show a lack of tears, areas of dryness on the eyes, irritation, redness, and unbalanced drainage.

How we can treat your dry eyes

At Wang Vision Institute, your customized dry eye treatment is determined by the condition causing your dry eyes. After a comprehensive eye exam and a review of any past eye disease, our doctors can assess which dry eye treatment will be best for you. Many patients with mild dry eye symptoms can benefit from eye drops for sensitive eyes, whether prescription or nonprescription. These eye drops supplement your natural tears to lubricate your eyes effectively, reducing dry eye syndrome symptoms.

If you have a more advanced case of dry eye syndrome, we suggest LipiFlow. The eyelid glands are warmed and massaged gently, which promotes improved natural tear production. We also can use special plugs in your tear ducts known as punctal occlusion to seal them off and to hold the natural tears in your eyes.

We also offer dry eye relief with the amniotic membrane contact lens or AMCL, which was developed by Dr. Wang. A BlephEx™ treatment on the lids can also be used to clear away bacteria or debris that may be causing your dry eyes.

Relieve your dry eye symptoms today

Dry eye symptoms are uncomfortable and make even the simplest task difficult. If you have been experiencing dry eye symptoms, such as sensitivity to light, you may need dry eye syndrome treatment. At Wang Vision Institute in Nashville, TN, Dr. Ming Wang and Dr. Josh Frenkel offer a variety of treatments that aim to relieve dry eye

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.