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LASIK or Contacts: Which Will You Choose?

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While contacts can be helpful for those seeking vision correction, they can be a hassle long term as opposed to a more permanent vision solution such as LASIK

If you are considering whether to inquire about LASIK or stick with contact lenses, keep reading to learn more about what might make LASIK the better choice.

What is LASIK?

If you are qualified to undergo a LASIK procedure, there are many benefits to doing so. LASIK surgery has been FDA approved since 1999, and is a laser procedure that uses a small incision to correct the shape of the cornea to solve vision problems such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. 

Wang Vision Institute was the first in the state of Tennessee to perform Soft-Touch LASIK, a form of the procedure where ? less pressure is applied to the eye for corrective services. Overall Soft-Touch LASIK is a less traumatic experience for you and your eyes. 

What are the benefits of LASIK surgery?

  • Improved vision in the long term
  • The elimination of contacts or glasses for primary vision correction
  • Both eyes can be corrected at once
  • Potential for enhancement options in the future if needed
  • State-of-the-art technology used for the procedure
  • Little pain associated with the procedure

Why go to Wang Vision Institute for LASIK surgery?

Not only was Wang Vision the first center in the state to perform Soft-Touch LASIK, but Wang Vision implements the latest tools and technologies to perform vision correction. 

Soft-Touch technology allows our ophthalmologists to perform the procedure with increased accuracy, leading to better results. Treatment plans are customized to each patient’s individual needs rather than a one-size fits all approach. 

Our surgeons have a 99.8% success rate and have performed over 55,000 procedures including on over 4,000 doctors.

Why LASIK over contacts?

To ensure long term success with your vision, consider how LASIK surgery may make your life easier. Wang Vision is a patient first surgical institute that values the vision success of patients. Contacts can become a daily hassle that may impair other activities you enjoy. LASIK may provide you with a more secure vision outcome versus traditional vision correction through glasses or contact lenses.

To learn more about your vision options, attend our FREE Online Vision Seminar every Tuesday at 7 p.m. CST. 

Dr. Ming Wang, Harvard & MIT (MD, magna cum laude); PhD (laser physics), and our other WVI surgeons have performed over 55,000 procedures, including on over 4,000 doctors.  

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.