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Q & A about Laser Floater Removal

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Q: What is the success rate of laser floater removal? Is Wang Vision's Ellex laser the best laser for that?


1. Yes, LFR actually does NOT remove the floaters, it only breaks them apart. Though the floaters are still inside of your eyes, they tend to be no longer in your visual axis, so you are not as bothered by them as before.

2. The overall success rate (in terms of floater reduction, NOT elimination) is about 50%, namely, 50% of the LFR patients see some reduction of floaters, and the remaining 50% actually don’t see much difference. The chance of getting worse is less than few %.

3. Our Ellex laser LFR is the state-of-the-art and proven treatment.

4. Generally, we do not recommend LFR unless the floaters do bother the patients, and in your case, it does appear they do bother you and affect your daily function.

5. The risk of intraocular procedure such as vitrectomy is substantially higher.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.