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If You Don't Qualify for LASIK, There are Alternatives

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Are you unhappy with your vision and have been told you are not a candidate for LASIK? If so, there are alternatives to LASIK, such as small incision lenticule extraction (ZEISS SMILE) and implantable contact lenses (ICL). Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) or refractive lens exchange (RLE) may also be the answer. Wang Vision Institute is proud to offer different groundbreaking laser vision surgeries for individuals with common issues like nearsightedness and farsightedness.

Who does not qualify for LASIK?

There are many reasons someone might not qualify for traditional LASIK surgery. LASIK requires a certain cornea thickness and shape to be successful. If your corneas are thin or have an irregular shape, you may not be a suitable candidate. ZEISS SMILE and PRK are better in these cases, and in cases where patients have a higher potential for future eye trauma due to harsh job conditions or a highly active lifestyle.

Contact Wang Vision Institute for more about alternatives to LASIK in Nashville, TN

Dr. Ming Wang, Harvard & MIT (MD); Ph.D. is an eye surgeon who has helped countless patients who did not qualify for LASIK or similar procedures. Learn more about alternatives to LASIK by calling our Nashville eye center for an assessment. The team at Wang Vision Institute will perform an evaluation and help you make an informed decision about your laser vision options.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.