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Forever Young Surgery Explained

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Your eyesight doesn’t have to age with you! Reverse age-related vision loss with Forever Young™? surgery at Wang Vision Institute.

What is Forever Young™? surgery?

This surgery is designed for patients over 40 who have age-related vision loss, otherwise known as presbyopia. Wang Vision uses the most advanced lens technology to improve near and distance vision. Lens implants with Forever Young™? surgery last forever and do not need to be replaced. Better vision for a lifetime can be achieved!

What is presbyopia?

Presbyopia is another name for age-related vision loss. This occurs when the lenses become less flexible, causing issues with close-up vision. The symptoms of presbyopia can include having to hold objects farther away to see properly, headaches and aching eyes, and blurred vision.

What to expect after Forever Young™? surgery?

During post-operative visits, our team will take care of your eyes to ensure proper healing. We will closely monitor your eye health and vision for best results. Side effects from Forever Young™? surgery are often mild and short-lived. Most patients report discomfort, light sensitivity, and blurriness. These symptoms should resolve within a short period.

Learn more about Forever Young™? surgery and its benefits on our website, or at tend our FREE Online Vision Seminar  Tuesdays at 6:45 p.m. CST to hear about your vision options or to win 50% off your next procedure.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.