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Forever Young Lens Q&A

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Q: If I have lens surgery with Forever Young Lens (FYL) implantation at Wang Vision, will I be freed of glasses?

A: Partially. Many patients after receiving Forever Young Lens at Wang Vision indeed no longer need glasses, but some still do, it all depends on your specific eye measurements, the type of FYL implanted and the treatment package.

Actually, we have an upcoming free seminar, presented by our surgeons (Dr. Ming Wang, MD, PhD & Dr. Joshua Frenkel, MD, MPH), who will discuss these issues in depth. You can ask our doctors personally these questions specifically about your eyes! There will also be substantial savings by attending the seminar! You, your family and friends are all welcome! RSVP:

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.