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Everything You Need to Know About Forever Young™ Lenses

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Forever Young™ lens is a refractive lens exchange that replaces your eye’s natural lens with an artificial lens. This comprehensive procedure can improve vision and reduce an individual's dependence on glasses, contacts, and bifocals. Forever Young™ lens is designed to help patients in their mid-40s to early 60s who are stuck in glasses and contacts, including readers. At Wang Vision Institute in Nashville, TN, we proudly offer Forever Young™ lens surgery led by our skilled team. 

Best Candidates for Forever Young™ Lens

You may be a good candidate for Forever Young™ if you: 

  • Are 45 years of age or older. The majority of Forever Young™ lens surgery patients are in their 40s or beyond, but it has also worked for younger patients. 
  • Wear glasses for distance and/or near vision

To determine your candidacy for the procedure, one of the trained eye doctors at Wang Vision Institute will conduct a comprehensive eye evaluation and assess your current eye health, condition, medical history, and goals for treatment. 

Advantages of Forever Young™ 

Forever Young™ lens surgery is a great option for eligible candidates, and there are several types of Forever Young™ lenses. One common option is a multifocal lens, which offers many people an improved range of vision, from up close to in the distance. Once the lenses are implanted, they never need to be removed or replaced. 

At Wang Vision, we refer to this procedure as Forever Young™ because it prevents patients from forming cataracts later in life. Therefore, their eyes and vision will feel young forever! 

After your Forever Young™ lens procedure, you’ll feel like this: 

Contact Wang Vision Institute to schedule a consultation today, and find out if you could benefit from Forever Young™ lens surgery! 

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.